Fought a Co-x3 World Boss
Contributed to open source
Launched a side project
Launched a product

Contributed to the development and launch of Co-x3's Make Work Fun app

Start Date: June 2021

Technologies: React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL, Supabase

  • Developed the inner workings of the Dailies (Daily Habits) feature and played an active part in designing how dailies should be represented in the Supabase backend, which uses PostgreSQL
  • Created the initial version of the Edit Dailies feature using an Ant Design table, which showed the user's list of habits (offered local CRUD functionality)
  • Often referenced the 3 normal forms when we were discussing database design; Provided development guidance for the above two features
  • Contributed to the development of the Parties feature
  • Supported the Product Hunt launch