Jota Coto
  • @jotaerrecoto
  • Der blasse Junge 🖖
  • Madrid, Spain
  • He/Him

Design is intentional. Meaning it aims to solve a problem.

But what if you're solving the wrong problem? You might spend money, time, and effort pursuing a sub-par or inefficient solution. What if the problem you're solving has downstream implications? You might design something destructive.

Most designers focus on the last part (the solution) without validating if the first part (the problem) is the right one to solve, never mind considering the implications for the future. What makes my work different is that it's derived from the very first principle of intent and considers the implications for the future.

Good design solves a problem first, considers implications for the future second, and looks good third.

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Jun 2018 - Present

Senior Product Designer, Vodafone