Jrene Rolli
  • @jrene
  • Happy UX Writer – Writes to connect people and make them feel good.
  • Berne, Switzerland
  • she/her
I help companies and humans understand each other better. By writing useful content, both will reach their goals easier.

My first language is German. I also work in English.


As a communications consultant and copywriter, I want to use my words and actions to make people’s everyday lives more pleasant and to move them towards something positive.

The right words make it easier for people to understand the complex world and find their way around it. I am particularly fascinated by communication as an elementary connection between technology and the user.

Not only to make it easier for people to use, but also to trigger emotions in them. That’s why I’ve been focusing on UX Writing, Conversational Design, and VUI.
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Jan 2020 - Present

UX Writer, Content Designer, Content Strategist, Hello Jrene