Julia Stewart
  • @juliastewart
  • She/Her
Multipotentialite, MBA Candidate at ESADE in Barcelona, formerly helped start and grow 100+ mission-driven companies in 4 years as Dr. of Programs (and first hire) for Propeller in my favorite US city: New Orleans. I bring energy and structure to the work. I've traveled to 38 countries and lived abroad in Spain, Switzerland, India, and Hong Kong. 

Currently, I'm organizing a virtual conference focused on the future of immersive technologies (AR, VR, MR, XR), and feeling inspired by 'the future of work' and conversations around the passion economy. Ask me about my role as "The Collaborative Spirit Ambassador," for the MBA Class of '22...or anything at all. Although, if you asked me "how many toes does a rhino foot have?", I'd have to Google it. 
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