Julio Anaya
  • @juliojesus
I am a Software Architect, with experience in Database, Backend and Frontend. I am passionate about technology, committed and dedicated person, enterprising and innovative. Furthermore, I consider myself a professional who seeks excellence, in 20 years of professional life I have stood out for my results, designing, developing and managing different mission-critical applications, also helping my clients achieve an exceed their business goals. I have experience in the business lines: health, education, finance, quality, strategic planning, insurance, and finance. Also, I am the coordinator of the WG2 Systems and Device Interoperability group into the Mexican CMISO International Organization for Standardization and Normalization (ISO) TC215. 
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Jan 2006 - Present

Software Architect, Metasoftica

Jan 2001 - Dec 2005

Software Engineering, CAISA

Jan 1999 - Dec 2000

Software Developers , Gobierno del estado de Tamaulipas