Graduated with my degree in Electrical Engineering
Supported Black Lives Matter social movement
Valued Black Excellence
Recognized Black People in STEM
May 15, 2021 • This day served as the closure to a book that should’ve been closed to a year prior (actually graduated last May) but something called a pandemic hit our country disabling a long waited in-person graduation. Well, 5 years beforehand I stood on the stage of my high-school graduation to deliver a message as a valedictorian about staying true to yourself and not allowing anyone to stand in your way. I wanted to do something similar but applicable for my college @coloradoschoolofmines gradation and applied to be the student speaker but was not chosen. Well… that is not going to stop this black engineer that fought through trialing years at a PWI from sharing my message with you all. And yes, Black Lives STILL Matter. ✊🏾👨🏾‍🎓