website development
Made a website
Why I Used MEML For Potabi's Website
For full disclosure, Fivnex, LLC is the company I am CEO at, and is the company developing both the MEML standards, and owns the company building current implementations (Fushra). Fivnex, LLC also runs and completely owns the Potabi Systems product.

I have been using MEML using the Fushra MLD tool to develop the Potabi Systems website. The reason is our fantastic developers at Fushra have been making our standards even better, and designing some fantastic tools to help minimize the amount of code we have to write by hand.

In a normal HTML environment, you had to write (or generally copy and paste) every single navigation bar, every footer, as well as every individual page. While this can be fixed by large complicated software, the amount of pure HTML replacement languages with goals of solving the problem are few and far between.

While Fivnex was developing MEML before Fushra, Fushra overall took over the project, and we are putting off the official Fivnex MEML binaries and render systems until a later date.

Yes, systems and alternatives like PugJS do exist, but the syntax is Python-like, and a lot of others are similar. Plus custom components, and a lot of other things generally didn't do the best job for people who wanted a simple, but functional HTML.

Let me show you a small MEML file, with it's HTML counterpart (both prettified to make reading nicer), and then I will show you a multi-page thing using's Terms and Privacy pages as the actual example.

    (title "This is some basic MEML code!"))
    (p "Aims to be simple and easy to read!"))
MEML is built off of the LISP language syntax, since it simply made the most sense for a markup language. Why? Instead of relying on white space, and removing the overly long <tagname></tagname> system HTML has, you get both minimal syntax, while also supporting the same general structure you would build in an HTML file, no matter your programming style. 

For those curious, this is the exact index.html output for that MEML script:
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>This is some basic MEML code!</title>
        <p>Aims to be simple and easy to read!</p>
For the Potabi examples, they are generally a bit too big for it to work properly, however, they are some of the best examples of MEML in action.

And for the fun of it, here is the Potabi Systems index.meml page

I will go into more on how the components systems work another time, but this is it for now! Thank you.