Karol Kozakowski
  • @karolkozakowski
My primary goal is to automate everything that is worth automating. To do so, I use a variety of tools starting from Configuration Management Tools like Puppet and Ansible to writing my scripts in Ruby, Python, and a couple of more languages. I have also experience in cloud-based environments like AWS and tools such as Terraform, Docker, and more.

I can set up and maintain a Continuous Deployment pipeline, starting from building and testing applications with the help of Jenkins, code, and quality control with the support of Sonar and deployment with Fabric. I can do the same in a Cloud-Native way with tools like AWS Codepipeline, AWS Codebuild or Github Actions.

I know how to manage and maintain dev, testing, and production environments and how to keep them well separated. 

I try to know what is happening in programming and what is production-tested technology and also what is cutting edge production or software/ library in the software development world.

I believe in Open Source and try to contribute as much as possible.
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Aug 2018 - Present

DevOps Engineer, Artificial Labs

Feb 2017 - Aug 2018

DevOps Engineer, Exatel