Managed a Fraud Analyst
Why do advertisers pay for free installations?

Let's talk about the mechanics of intercepting organic installs and further in-app actions.

First, let's understand how install analytics works. An affiliate places an ad. Each click on it is registered in the tracker (analytics system) to track the source of installation. The tracker then redirects the user to the store to install the app. Then the tracker correlates the installation with the click, checking the time between them. Installation is credited to the partner if the events fall within a specified interval (attribution window).

Click spam is the generation of clicks on the tracker, unnoticeable for the user, in order to make the last click before installing the application. In this case, the user's natural interest will be counted in favor of the partner. Our experience shows that there is a share of Click spam in the promotion of any application, which can be unnoticeable against the background of the general traffic.

Click spam markers can be:

⚠️ Very low CR (Click Rate) - the ratio of installations to clicks.

⚠️ CTIT - abnormal time from click to install. The normal value is ~40 seconds.