Moved country

Skills are worth paying for….

From frizzy mane to feeling sane…

Today I decided I needed a trim.

I went to one hairdressers they said No.

I went to the second hairdressers they said No.

Language barriers and western hair can be tough for some people to tackle.

I resorted to google and found a third back near my apartment.

I approached the third and he welcomed me in.

His attention to detail and skills were evident and second to none.

Despite the language barrier he weaved his magic.

At the end he said “120 pesos ma’am”.

I gave him 200 almost double.

He said “that’s too much ma’am”.

I said “keep it”. Smiled and left.

Skills can be priceless sometimes and to me that’s worth paying for.

To me showing gratitude for a job well done, also worth paying for.

It’s also the cheapest haircut I’ve ever had in my life at just over £1.

So why not double it and make a young man’s day.

When was the last time you appreciated someone’s skill despite the cost?