INMOST Launches on Apple Arcade!

Launching a game

INMOST Launches on Apple Arcade!

From May 2019 I joined the Hidden Layer Games team to help them finish off INMOST and launch the game on Apple Arcade as one of Arcade's launch titles. Such an incredible opportunity!

The Developers were slated to launch INMOST on Apple Arcade in October 2019. The game required a lot of additional resources to achieve this timeline and so I was brought in in May 2019 to hire additional contractors and rework the original production plan to achieve this goal.

- Resource Management and Acquisition

- Implementing Processes according to the developers need.

- Assisting with adjusting scope to make the workload manageable for the time period.

- Building reports for stakeholders.

- Planning for and fulfilling the platform holder's milestones.

- Handling daily scrums and planning sprints." rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">">" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">