Jan 2020 - Present
Keren Douek
- @keren_douek
I'm open to
giving resume feedback,
guest lecturing,
joining company boards,
participating in user research,
speaking at events,
speaking on podcasts,
beta testing new products,
freelance roles,
advising companies,
partnering on side projects,
content creation,
developing apps,
developing a web application,
developing websites,
giving code reviews,
software development projects,
creating a design system,
designing brands,
designing clothing,
designing products,
design projects,
giving design crits,
giving design feedback,
giving pitch deck feedback,
giving portfolio feedback,
streaming on youtube,
writing blog posts,
youtube collaborations,
co-founding a company,
giving product reviews,
teaching entrepreneurship,
being a brand ambassador,
brand partnership,
brand strategy consulting,
email marketing consulting,
giving feedback on marketing copy,
organizing marketing campaigns,
planning digital ad campaigns,
providing sponsorships,
social media management,
social takeovers,
sponsoring content,
sponsoring events,
sponsoring newsletters,
grabbing a coffee,
joining a book club,
joining fantasy football leagues,
and joining parent groups.