Powershell Scripting
Over the years I've written hundreds of PowerShell scripts to help make my job more efficient. Often the genesis of a script comes from something I've found online or a code tidbit posted on a forum.

I went through my old script repositories and uploaded a handful of my favorite scripts. I have many more I plan to share but I will need to clean them up prior to posting.

I've created a public GitHub Repo to store these scripts located here:

BESFailoverStatus.v1.ps1 - Connect to BES 5.0 SQL Database and report back on HA Failover Status 
CorrectSkypeScheduledTask.v1.ps1 - Correct Skype 2015 PowerShell Scheduled Task when Installed on non-standard drive letter 
CorruptedManagedFolders.v1.0.ps1 - Search Exchange 2010 mailbox for Corrupted Managed Folders post migration 
EWSUsageChecker.v2.0.ps1 - Search Exchange CAS Logs to locate EWS based applications that are not approved by security 
RestartExchangeUMRouterService.v1.ps1 - Restart MSExchagneUMCR service on group of machines - used after UMIPGateway/UMDialPlan/UMHuntGroup changes 
UpdatePowerPolicy.ps1 - Set a Servers Power Policy to High Performance