Took a work break
Hello friends! I have some news: this Friday July 15 is my last day with Ionic. I'm going to take some time off to focus on family, mental health, and personal goals and projects. I've never had the opportunity for an extended work break in my professional career before.

I have loved working at Ionic, and will miss all the amazing, talented folks here! I'm excited to follow my former coworkers' journeys, and hope to see folks out in the world — especially the DevRel team!

I look forward to taking some time not working with both excitement and a little trepidation. I've never taken more than two weeks off at a time before in my adult life, either employed or unemployed. I'm looking forward to relaxation, reflection, and a priority on well-being.

I'm not ready to talk about what's next for me quite yet, but I'll still be speaking at events during my employment sabbatical, and I'm hoping to have other things to share in the meantime too — after a summer vacation, of course! #unemployment #career #mentalhealth #vacation