Joined an Early Adopter Program
Joined Polywork
Created a Discord server
Started a Discord Server
Personal Discord Server
Posting this fairly late by a few days, but I have a personal discord server now!

Some people might wonder, why? What's the point of this server? The answer is simple. As a content creator, I thought this will be a good idea to get a discord server primarily about me. This way you have an easy way to follow my content / social media posts, and ask me questions.

It's a community server where everyone can come and hang out and help one another out. You can ask questions relating to discord management [ starting, fiding staff, advertising, setting up bots, etc ], and questions relating to starting content creations or further development of your skills. Other members within the server will be able to go give in their own feedback, opinions and tips as well.

It's just another place for us all to hang out and have fun together!
