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YouTubers Hangout

We have recently rebranded Daily Cafe into a YouTubers Hangout!

Daily Cafe didn't have much potential as a community server, since we never really had a clear goal, nor a clear purpose for it. This is why we decided to rebrand the server. 

We asked people around discord servers, so we could find out what sort of community they would like to see. And most answers came up with relation to YouTube and content creation. This is why YouTubers Hangout is now a thing!

Small FAQ:
1. What is YouTubers Hangout?

YouTubers Hangout is a community for people that do content creation on YouTube. Whenever you are a gaming channel, music channel, entertainment channel, or something else, this server is for you.

2. What is this server for?

This server is made so YouTubers of all forms can come around and hang out together, as well as give the opportunity for already well-grown YouTubers and experienced content creators to give out helpful tips and resources to new starters or those that struggle with growth, etc.

3. Are you connected in any way with YouTube?

No! We are not in any shapes or forms affiliated with YouTube. We are just a project, trying to help content creators.

We are really hoping for this server and project to grow and become something very useful and helpful for the people on the YouTube content creation side. We are very open to suggestions, and we are hoping for the best.

We are very thankful for everyone that has been in Daily Cafe this entire time, and we hope you enjoy the rebrand and will stay support us through the new journey!
