Kiran Paratane
  • @kiranparatane
Somehow the “Don’t talk to strangers” rule is one that’s never seemed to stick. I actually still talk to strangers A LOT…

I’m Kiran and I’m a Talent Scout whose role at Globant is simple: to identify, engage and attract the best talent across the industry through social media, job boards and other sourcing channels. I possess Hands-on experience in creative sourcing resources and social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Glassdoor, Google and list is endless. 

I have interest and proven record in working on various recruiting related areas especially Metrics and Data Analysis, Industry Mapping and Passive Pipeline. I love playing with “Macros” :). A Python Learner.
Being an inquisitive and innovative personality, I like challenging my team members on doing thing differently and efficiently. 
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