
I’m very excited to announce that this week I've started on a new role as SRE with VMware. I am very happy about this new adventure in my professional life. It has been an exciting journey working ...
I've completed "Developing a Google SRE Culture" in Coursera. It's a great course and I've learned a lot about how to work like Google. You can check my certificate here.
I've added a new section to my blog. It's the highlights I've taken since 2020. (Last section at the menu bar) It's sad all the books I've read in my life and I don't have any notes or highlights s...
Learning is one of the most important things for me. I've decided to invest some money to learn something very new. Profitable flashloans - Create profitable Arbitrage Flashloans with Ethereum & So...
I've finished to read the book The Wall Street Era is Over: The Investor's Guide to Cryptocurrency and DeFi, the Decentralized Finance Revolution. I really liked this book. It's a great introductio...
The best way to learn in trading is just by investing some amount of money. Not too big because I'm a newbie but not too low to suffer if I made a bad decision. I'm learning about Yield Farming in ...
Got a Master’s in Computer Science degree from MIU with a 3.4 GPA.
Finally, my portfolio website is online. You can access going to https://klaudioz.eth.link/ or https://klaudioz.eth/ if you're using Metamask (the final / is important). If you want to reach me, yo...
Chainlink is announcing the Summer 2021 Smart Contract Developer Bootcamp. It's totally free and it's covering: • The fundamentals of blockchain technology, Ethereum, and smart contracts. • How to ...
I've completed this great guide called The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum Development. By doing this guide you'll able to create a decentralized application on a URL connected to the Goreli ...
I started to play: The Ethernaut It's a Web3/Solidity-based wargame played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked'. Playing is the best way to lear...
I started to do Crossfit. It's difficult for me to "turn off" my brain, and the only way I can do it is by doing sports. But COVID came, and I stayed one entire year without activity, and I'm payin...
I just registered an ENS domain: klaudioz.eth It replaces the need to use a 42 hexadecimal characters ETH wallet address with something easier to remember, like the ENS domain. ENS lives on smart c...
I'm starting the Udemy online course: Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide. I've been interested in crypto since a few years ago but more in the speculation part. Right now I'm ver...
The interview went pretty well for the DevOps engineer position, and I gave a solid recommendation for the candidate, and I suggested moving fast before losing him. By the way, we are hiring at See...