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NEWSNATION | How social media is affecting teens' mental health |  Morning in America

How does social media impact mental health?

Social Media expert Kris Ruby recently joined NewsNation Network TV  to discuss a recent study which revealed that cutting back social media usage can have positive mental health benefits.

Another study showed that over 50% of Gen Z report feeling lonely once or twice a month, compared to 25% of baby boomers.

One viewer wanted to know: how much of an impact does social media have on mental health?


"Asking people to take a 1-week break from social media can lead to significant improvements in well-being, depression, and anxiety."

"Limiting social media usage to just 10 minutes per platform per day for 3 weeks led to a clinically significant reduction in depression.

"Reducing time spent on different social media sites may differentially mediate mental health outcomes."

Our findings also address important gaps in the literature by exploring how different social media sites may be impacting different aspects of mental health. These differences align with the transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral conceptualization of social media.

Particularly, the notion that different platforms drive differential psychological outcomes based on differences in their features and affordances. For example, our results indicated that reducing time spent on Twitter and TikTok may mediate the effect abstaining has on reductions in symptoms of depression, whereas only #TikTok mediates reductions in anxiety."

📖 THE RESEARCH STUDY: Taking a One-Week Break from Social Media Improves Well-Being, Depression, and Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial