FOX BUSINESS: Google Gemini is 'the tip of the iceberg': AI bias can have 'devastating impact' on humanity, say experts

Ruby Media Group CEO Kris Ruby, who recently uncovered a trove of data on Gemini, told Fox News Digital that biased AI can recreate societal norms, cultures and values that can strip historical context. If facts are removed or altered, a corporation can cultivate its own set of "facts" that align with its personal worldview.

Ruby, who wrote "The Ruby Files — The Real Story of AI Censorship," stressed those in charge of shaping the current information environment must be held accountable, as the architecture of AI products can alter the future digital landscape society depends on for education and commerce.

Furthermore, if the data scientists responsible for making critical decisions lack political diversity, users will be left with a "lopsided product" that "skews to the collective bias of a product team."

One AI expert at Microsoft said these models may cause 'irreparable damage' across industries

"AI is transforming our society," she added. "As we become more dependent on a modern digital infrastructure embedded with machine learning, we must understand the foundation of the models and how those models are built. Historical accuracy of individual datasets used to build a product is just as important as modern-day historical output. We cannot understand where we are going if we do not understand where we came from."