Dec 2020 - Feb 2022
karma yoezer
- @kzoeps
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• Traversed the borders between Bhutan and China. • Highlights: • Saw the border roads that the Chinese have built. • amazing how they've built highways at altitudes of 4100m and above • the clock ...
Graduated(high school) from Mahindra United World College India, Pune. Studied alongside students from 100+ nationalities. Was a life changing experience and it gave me an intercultural understandi...
Wrote a research paper with Dr. William Tarimo, D. Tran on integrating affective feedback into classrooms. Analyzed assignments, feedback and reflections of students using sentiment and emotion ana...
CRUD API for e-commerce platform. Users could add songs to cart and could also delete them for cart. Place orders and add songs and beats to the database. Written in nodeJS using the NestJs framewo...