Jan 2022 - Present
Lazuardi Imani
- @lazu_ardi
- Front-end Developer
- Surabaya, Indonesia
- He / Him
Things I’ve built
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Update and improve the looks of my website. I'm gonna add more section in the future, feel free to take a look here. Any feedback or tips is greatly appreciated.
I made a dynamic landing page using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. I used DatoCMS as a headless CMS to host all the content. Here are the links : - Website - Github Feel free to look at it and if you ha...
I created a simple pokedex using Next.js and Tailwind CSS integrated in the project. I'm using pokeAPI to fetch the pokemon data. Here are the links : - Website - Github I'm gonna improve the appea...
Create a simple gallery with images from the Pixabay using React and Tailwind CSS is built into workflow with postcss. Check it at my Github.