
I was promoted to technical leader of my time. Since about June 2021 i have a few more responsibilities. In addition to the developer's usual daily activities, new ones include: - Take the lead in ...
TCC approved!! My partner and I presented our TCC, with the theme of Using technology to aid in learning literacy, writing and logical reasoning. The Project was a native app with a question and an...
THE END! A very important part, where I majored in Computer Science. Sleepless nights, and a lot of past angers, but it was a time that was worth it, where I gained a lot of maturity, knowledge, an...
I started a new job. I was hired as a developer at Amopromo. Amopromo is a company that has ecommerces related to the tourism sector. I joined the Segurospromo team, which is a travel insurance e-c...
I participated in a hackathon by Unibh that lasted 24 hours, the objective was to create an idea where we could act when a dam would burst (Dams in my state, MG-Brazil, are quite common, and we hav...
I was hired and this time I had my first job as a front-end developer. At that time, in addition to mastering basic front-end concepts, I learned a lot about React. It was an interesting time becau...
I got another opportunity, and this time as an intern, but in the development area. The internship was as a front-end developer, where I worked creating and maintaining websites, and also building ...
Some time later I got an opportunity in another company, again it wasn't as a developer, it was as technical support, a support in the Systemcommerce platform, a technology company. Being support, ...
Going to college, I needed an internship to get experience, and that's where I got an opportunity at the Minas Gerais State Department of Culture. At this stage I didn't necessarily deal with devel...
I started college in the Computer Science course at Unibh. The computer science course for an inexperienced person has several areas where we can work (developer, infra, bd, etc), but as I always l...