Reported a bug
Opened a pull request
Contributed to opensource
One of my colleagues said "I think there is a bug in Docker". They are a very cool person. I took the time out at the end of my shift to ask questions and dive into the problem. It's not really something I felt it would be easy to backlog.

Sure enough, they discovered a bug. Worse still, a bug in production released docker, in a feature which we use. Yikes!

I Searched GitHub and found others had reported similar issues in the compose-go package, mostly to be met with "not a bug", or other dismissive comments.

So I made reproductive cases and offered a patch

My patch didn't end up being merged. Rather than explain what they needed, the internal team member who responded decided to write their own. While I agree their solution was clean and very readable; likely due to familiarity with the codebase; it kind of echoes how they dealt with the issues reporting this issue over two months prior.

The patch was merged some weeks later, so in an upcoming release of the new docker-compose; their new engine will have one less bug.