Hosted and published a podcast episode
Released Episode 61 of the So This Is My Why podcast featuring Austen Allred: co-founder & CEO of Lambda School.

Highlights covered:
3:17 Growing up in a Mormon family
6:12 Learning HTML at age of 11
10:06 Going on a mission trip in Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine
15:18 Founding Stubtopia
25:27 Dropping out of college
29:44 Vagabonding around China
31:22 Writing the viral 2012 article, “Successful Entrepreneurs Are Usually Liars”
33:49 Blogging while homeless in Silicon Valley (which led to his first job in Silicon Valley & investment for his own startup!)
38:24 Noticing the discrepancy between Utah & Silicon Valley in terms of opportunities & pay
39:31 How the concept of Lambda School came about
51:21 The right time to raise VC money
54:58 Getting into Y Combinator
59:13 Biggest takeaway from working with Geoff Ralston (now President of Y Combinator) & Daniel Gross
1:03:54 Issues surrounding the Income Sharing Agreements (ISA)
1:06:47 How COVID-19 has impacted Lambda School

📍Show notes:

🎙️Apple Podcast:
