Became a GitHub Star ⭐️
I've been recognized as a GitHub Star ⭐️

Feeling very thankful, blessed, and humbled  💝 🤗 

It's an incredible honor to receive this recognition and be awarded to the GitHub Stars program, but most of all to thank you all who have shared the journey with me.

Some folks have been asking me today about this award, so I'm re-sharing a little background story.

There's also a lot to reflect on. Many years of open source activism, struggles, learnings, and excitements.

Last year, GitHub launched the GitHub Stars program to thank GitHub's most influential developers who have gone above and beyond in helping others in the community – not only by maintaining source code repositories but by helping educate, inspire and influence others.

For me, the open source movement has been a passion since I was an early age Linux enthusiast in my teen years, where I was actively following the Linux kernel mailing list and dabbled around in the cyberspace of BBSs and those early days of Bazaar-style software development (FOSS).

I have dedicated most of my adult life to build open source software, to inspire and help others across multiple disciplines of software development.

It's always about changing the world for the better and doing so with extreme kindness. And hugging. I'm a big hugger! 

Nowadays, it's been almost a decade of working within the Node.js and JavaScript ecosystems, in which I started my journey with projects like MEAN.js, which gave me an opportunity to learn and lead.

These opportunities turned into fun hobbies like building command-line applications, and later on, working on matters of open source security.

For me, web security activism took many shapes and forms, from authoring books, to triaging security vulnerabilities in tens to hundreds of libraries' source code.

This active participation in open source communities connected me to perhaps one of the most exciting roles I had within the Node.js community, and where I met brilliant and kind people - my time in the Node.js Foundation's ecosystem security working group.

This journey is still young, and I'm on a mission to make web and open source security accessible and first-class citizen to developers worldwide. There's a lot to do, and I'm here to do my best to help you, so please reach out.

We're only just beginning! 🚀