
Published a new Article about AWS
Published an article with the recap of my 2022
Published a new article on my personal blog: Invite-only microsites with Next.js and AirTable A tutorial on how to build invite-only...
Published a new article in the fourTheorem blog: What do you need to know about SNS? This article explores the main features of S...
Published an in-depth article about AWS EventBridge What can you do with EventBridge Let's explore one of the best services for events on AWS
Published a new article about Node.js stream consumers Node.js stream consumer utilities How to easily read all the content of a r...
I just published a new article about CDK: Create resources conditionally with CDK Using deploy-time Cloudformation conditions Learn how you...
Wrote an article to help engineers shin in the coding interview:
Wrote an article about Serverless and Observability on AWS:
Published an article on Linkedin about Serverless Framework and how to easily get dashboards and alarms using SLIC Watch:
I published a new article on my blog. In this blog post I show you how to use CDK, the new Infrastructure as Code tool from AWS, to provision a Ubuntu-based virtual machine using nginx. https://loi...
Streamed another Advent of Code in Rust (year 2020 ex 14 part 2):
I went down an AWS rabbit hole and figure out how to compress outgoing requests to stay within certain API limits. I collected my learnings in a blog article: