Published a YouTube video
Hosted a live stream on Twitch
Used Rust
Used Python
Live streamed a new episode of Advent of Code in Rust (and Python)

🦀 Rust vs 🐍 Python: Advent of code in Rust - solving day 16/2021 (Twitch Live 2022-05-30)

In this episode, we completed day 16 of Advent of Code y2021 using Rust and we compared our solution with Python!

In this episode we started by looking at a Python solution for this exercise (impressive how much more concise Python always is!) then we implemented our custom solution in Rust.

If you have any suggestion, we'd love to hear it, so please leave a comment or a create a PR!

For all the source code check out the official GitHub repo:

For seeing the next episodes live check out our Twitch channel:

#Rust #Python #AoC