Hosted a live stream on Twitch
Published a YouTube video
Used Rust
Live streamed another episode of Advent of Code in Rust:

Advent of code in Rust - solving year 2020 exercise 24 part 1 (Twitch Live 2021-12-13)

In this episode, we started (and completed!) Advent of Code y2020 day 24!

This exercise is another variation of Game of Life ( with a twist! Today's twist is that cells are not square but hexagonal!

Nothing too fancy about our solution except that we used and abused the `FromStr` ( and the `Iterator` ( traits to handle the business logic of parsing the input and simulating various iterations of the game.

Finally we also went for a sparse space using an HashSet of points, because the game can grow indefinitely without boundaries.

Our solutions for part 2 is not super fast, so if you have any suggestion, please let us know through a comment or a PR :)

If you have any suggestion, we'd love to hear it, so please leave a comment or a create a PR!

For all the source code check out the official GitHub repo:

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