
Created and deployed a react app with netlify! https://vigilant-hamilton-b57daf.netlify.app/ Learning more React by building components and dynamically display them on the page.
Really excited to start this Unity Game Dev course that also teaches you how to create your own Game Studio and release your first game from start to finish! https://www.fulltimegamedev.com/ So Far...
Tuned in with Cassidy Williams on Twitch to learn about GitHub Copilot 👀 The Regex alone seems intriguing, I swear every time I need to use Regex I have to spend 30 mins to re-learn it with each pl...
Deployed my first app to Heroku... A funny little discord bot that organizes our friend game/movie night. Paired with some awesome api's and even my own web scraped (beautiful soup) daily dog! • ht...
Man, Scrum is so great. Usually, frameworks continue to tack on more and potentially clutter the original ideal. Scrum, however, cleaned up the language and made it more concise! This is why it's s...
A truly practical and amazing set of sessions about true Scrum Mastery https://resources.scrumalliance.org/Collection/scrum-mastery-classroom-october-2020
Loved learning more about Machine Learning with Python and HarperDB. So many great sessions! https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/conf-splunklive/the-best-of-conf20-platform-sessions.html
Such an amazing group of people trying to solve the many supply problems Covid-19 has revealed. https://helpfulengineering.org/
Mike Cohn really gets it, This is such a great blog post about being the best Scrum Master for your team. Takes being a Servant Leader to a whole new level! https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/blo...
Great workshop hosted by Christy Clement at Velocity Made Good! So many great tips and tricks for being a better remote Scrum Master.
Jeopardy night! https://www.meetup.com/Scrum-and-Wine/
Another fantastic virtual meetup! https://www.meetup.com/Scrum-and-Wine/
First Tech conference Attended! TwilioQuest is a phenomenal way to learn to code! 👏 Quarantine has brought a lot of challenges but it has also brought a lot of opportunities such as remote conferen...
My first convention ever! 🤓 Love the new Overwatch hero Ashe, Jennifer Hale is one of the all-time greatest voice actresses! https://blizzcon.com/en-us
Loved learning about Gatsby and Netlify with Monica Powell's Workshop, easy to follow along with and very informative! https://jamstackconf.com/2020/october/ Checkout the site I deployed with netli...
Loved learning about... learning! So many companies sharing their experiences with challenges in the workplace during quarantine. Truly aspiring. https://www.pluralsight.com/
Dark mode is finally here! https://githubuniverse.com/
Completed my Certified Scrum Master certification (CSM) with THE Mike Cohn at Mountain Goat Software! 🎉