Liam Satre Meloy
  • @lsatremeloy
  • Creative storyteller + marketer
  • Los Angeles | Montana
I'm a creative storyteller and marketer with 15 years experience across traditional film/TV, digital advertising, and high-growth tech companies. 

Currently, I'm a Sr. Creative Director for the largest digitally-native direct-to-consumer brand incubator in the US. A creative at heart, I’m also a convert to a data-first, test-and-learn approach to marketing.

Prior to working in advertising, I had a successful career in film & TV.  I’ve written and produced narrative and doc films for Amazon Studios, HBO, Sony Picture Classics, IMG, and the New Yorker Magazine. 

Proud to say that my documentary HIS WAY was nominated for an Emmy, and I’m an active current member of the Writers Guild of America (West).

Am a somewhat recent web 3 fanatic and am hoping to spend a lot of 2022 working, collabing, learning, and investing in the space!
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Sep 2019 - Present

Sr Creative Director, Golden Hippo Media