Luca Pipolo
  • @luca_pipolo
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • he/him/his
I am a passionate and versatile Web Developer.

I love to write elegant and efficient code.
Choosing the name of a variable, creating a performance function, clearly structuring the components of a website, writing an effective test. Isn't that art? 😁

I’m a front-end developer.
I have solid and long experience with HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript/TypeScript, React/Next, Gatsby and Jade. I master the latest CSS features: grids, flex, custom properties, animations. I structure my style sheets following SMACSS and BEM principles. My knowledge of JavaScript is updated to the latest ES6/7 features. I’m used to collaborating with UI Designers through InVision and Zeplin.

I’m not only a front-end developer!
The proven knowledge of PHP7 and of WordPress/WooCommerce completes my profile. I have written several plugins, following the best approaches of object-oriented programming: classes, namespaces, traits. I know how to create Gutenberg blocks. I implemented WordPress themes from scratch, clearly separating logic and templates (thanks to Twig) and dividing features into single components. I also feel completely comfortable handling REST APIs.

I strongly believe in teamwork.
I am a pragmatic person but I love to exchange opinions. I am used to working with the Scrum framework. I have great mediation and communication skills and I speak fluently Italian, English, Spanish and… una mica de català també!

I'm an explorer. I'm curious.
I like reading other people's code and learning new technologies.
I have an excellent knowledge of Git/GitHub and I usually spend a lot of time commenting on Pull Requests or discovering Open Source projects.

What am I looking for my professional future?
I would like to better combine my passion for the front-end with my knowledge of PHP. It would be great to experiment more seriously with Laravel + Vue.js projects. Also, would amazing to get deeper into Docker. Getting certified as a Scrum Master is definitely one of my goals. 🚀
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Aug 2020 - Present

Web Developer, Timeular