
I was honored to receive a reward from City of Pančevo as one of the best graduating students from the city (even though I technically graduated at the moment of the ceremony). In total, 29 undergr...
By passing a final oral exam (with a perfect score!), I'm now officially a graduate of Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Took me a bit less than 4 years to get those 240ECTS, so not b...
Putting on my Wiki Ambassador hat, I successfully initiated, tracked, and brought to a successful finish a collaboration between Wikimedia Serbia and Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade ...
Our second group project for the semester was a web app, but tackling the same area as the first one, git (we're building two decently sized projects for different courses simultaneously after all)...
As a first group project for this semester, we've built a graphical tool to pull and preview contributions Git repos in C++/Qt. I was mostly concerned with network communication, i.e. pulling all d...
Started my Golang and Gin journey with a toy budgeting web app. One evening and an afternoon were enough to figure out how to connect to the database, expose an API and handle user auth with JWT to...
Now officially a senior student of Informatics at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics. Only a quarter more to go! And boy, is this year filled with group projects.
Finally got around to finishing LaTeX version of my CV and merging it into master. I've taken up on designing and building the CV from scratch (i.e. using the `minimal` template) and I've been work...
Hit 1200 rating at chess.com. It ain't much, but it's honest work. I've also got a 10-win streak now, so that's nice too.
Woohoo, I'm an early adopter! Now what?
While attempting to deploy a new app, stumbled upon one of the weirdest bugs I've seen: specific to a single processor architecture, a specific way of running a hypervisor and exactly the version I...
As homework project for Statistics course, I built an interactive dashboard for analyzing data on high school enrolment in Serbia which using R's shiny framework and a PostgreSQL database. It can p...
I dig this Kotlin thing, so I figured I might make something else fun with it. This time, it's a web app which aims to reduce video size by transcoding it to a newer codec and apply some space-savi...
Built a simple inventory management web app for a local hospital lab. This was also a chance to practice my Kotlin and try it out in combination with Spring Boot. In theory, straightforward. In pra...
I built a plain Java HTTP client on top of TCP sockets. Wait, I hear you say, that's nuts, why would anyone do that? Well, the homework assignment as a part of the recruitment process asked to crea...
I built a ballistic projectile simulator in Python as a homework project for the Intro to Mechanics course. I took into account all forces I knew of, including the ones relating to atmosphere and E...
Not an intern anymore—our API Gateway is a MVP, and I'll also start working on day-to-day stuff. For now, only part-time, so I could devote a few days a week to my BSc. If Polywork was a thing back...
Another school year, another Ministry of Education's scholarship. Still managing to pass all exams and keep the exceptional GPA.
Based on GPA, I qualified for the national scholarship for higher education students. I passed all exams on time (well, even sooner) with exceptional GPA (over 9, of 10 max).
I gave a lecture on exploratory data analysis as a part of Computer Science Week at Mathematical Grammar School: a week-long series of CS lectures and workshops for select students. A demo I built ...
I took part in RAF Hakaton, winning a third prize with my team and at a time a measly amount of ETH. We built a platform which can conduct surveys over Facebook Messenger and an interactive dashboa...
I started volunteering as Student Wiki Ambassador at Wikimedia Serbia. In the following years, I will be hosting lectures and workshops about Wikipedia and Wikidata and reaching out to teachers at ...
I participated in Petnica Summer Institute: Machine Learning summer school. 10 days of intensive learning, envisioning a project and building something interesting using machine learning (and I mea...
I'm starting a four-year B.Sc. studies of Informatics at Faculty of Mathematics. This might be interesting?
Concluded my journey through Mathematical Grammar School by defending a thesis on data scraping and cleaning official Ministry of Education data on high school enrolment. Thesis [Serbian] is availa...
I had the chance to present my—wait for it—social psychology research paper at the annual "Step Into Science" conference organized by Petnica Science Center. This concluded my two-year journey at P...
First Git commit on my first Java project. Before discovering Git, I worked on this for over a year, and even had a package named `legacy`. I like to believe I've learned quite a bit since then. We...
You know when you have to write something on those bland essay topics in high school, like "A landscape", what do you even write about? Apparently, a before-and-after picture of a (kinda fictive) w...
Hosted a workshop and wrote a paper on teaching English as a second language at 10th International Language Conference on »The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communicatio...
Presented a paper on Whoa, Canada! documentary and related social issues at Canada150Filmed conference (University of Belgrade), in co-authorship with a peer and our teacher.
Placed 2nd in "My English Book 2016" competition for short stories and comics for highschoolers with my story Trapped in the Dollhouse. Turns out I can also write in human languages, who knew!
Won Special prize for innovativity "Igor Osmokrović" at 1st Telekom App Challenge (previously awarded at national mt:s App Competition) with Stories, making me almost a part of the furniture at thi...
I delved into back-end development with Play! Framework and developed an Android app for sharing school-related materials among large groups, called it Notekeeper, and won 2nd prize at mt:s Android...
Put my newly acquired Android skills to work and won 2nd prize at mt:s Android competition with BgBus. I developed an algorithm and an Android app which finds the quickest paths between two points ...
I'll spend next 4 years studying with probably the brightest 100 peers in country, constantly pushing me to find ways to differentiate and truly excel at everything I choose to do. Because let's be...
I'm not exactly sure when I wrote my first program, but this is a good date as any. I do remember that I started in a beautiful Microsoft's SmallBasic IDE. The rest just followed by itself.
It seems that I'm becoming a regular at these competition things. Also, I believe I reached peak C++ skills around this time.
Around this time I picked up Java at a Regional talent center. Little did I know that some 7 years later when I take a similar course in college I will know the "History of Java" part because I liv...
My first-ever national informatics olympiad. By this time I figured QBasic isn't really that good and learning C++ was a way to go. The biggest reason was really just STL features.
Won 3rd place at my first ever national programming competition. Using ol' rusty QBasic in a white-on-blue terminal.