Developed an app
Developed with React
Scoped a Backend System
Built an app called Gallery in a team of three. It is a social gallery and image annotation app that allows users to upload images, annotate existing images, and upvote or downvote existing annotations.

We were learning about distributed systems and was going to implement technologies we've never used before, which was quite exciting. We wanted to make yet another messaging app until I thought aloud about annotating lyrics on and how people share memes/art - the project suddenly came to life. 

We scoped out the "structure" of the system: Spring boot as the backend, MongoDB as the database, React as the frontend, Keycloack for user authentication, Elasticsearch to search, Eureka for service discovery, and Zuul for the API gateway. My main responsibilities involved implementing the users service, the client, and testing the application.

One of these days, I'll figure out how to host it on AWS and preventing pictures that aren't wholesome memes 👁👄👁