Jan 2016 - Present
Tom Barber
- @magicaltrout
Jan 2016 - Present
Boss Guy, Spicule
May 2021 - Present
Systems Architect, Kythera Labs
Spent today messing around getting to know @gitpod a bit better. Went from "oh I should submit a PR in VSCode" to "I wonder when Intellij are going to get web support" to "oh they have some POC stu...
Been playing around with Obsidian the last couple of days getting a setup I'm happy with. Sometimes you can't help but feel there's a bit too much power in these tools. But once you've got the hang...
Wrote a DSL for Selenium that allows developers to write Selenium scripts in YAML or JSON and run them in a precompiled Java environment https://github.com/spicule-kythera/seleniumscripter