
Got promoted to senior developer!
Attended a fun event at my college! https://www.instagram.com/p/CSmPLyzJQBn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Interacted with students and got to know about a lot of innovative ideas. Being a shark is f...
completó 150 días el aprender de español!! Let's learn together, follow here: https://www.duolingo.com/profile/hpmahesh73
Since migrating my personal website to Svelte, I have been building a custom analytics solution! I have documented my learnings and process in this article: https://javascript.plainenglish.io/build...
Started learning Spanish again!
https://levelup.gitconnected.com/lets-talk-about-cloud-certifications-788dcb3e9b76 Having obtained multiple certifications and practically working with cloud platforms regularly, shared my thoughts...
Gave my first ever public talk! Got the opportunity to speak at my college regarding "RESTful Web Services - Why and How"
Gave my second talk in my college! "Building RESTful services with JAVA + Spark"
Migrate my portfolio website to a new stack 🚀 After experimenting with Svelte for some time, decided to migrate my personal website to it. https://hpmahesh.me/
Became a Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate ✨ https://www.credly.com/badges/1897b932-cc1a-4f55-b9f1-4d51d4d7cda0/public_url
Got certified in Azure fundamentals ✨ https://www.credly.com/badges/fa1c2817-70b5-4c05-947e-f6835d2488ac/public_url
Got my first cloud certification! ✨ Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Certified Associate https://www.credly.com/badges/0e51a7d9-60e0-4c1e-b735-ddf3de772853
Documented my learnings about automated tests 📖 Having written automated tests for over three years now, wanted to analyze how important they are. Wrote an article summarising my learnings and find...
Wrote an article documenting how I supercharged my code editor with extensions 👨‍💻 https://hpmahesh.medium.com/my-visual-studio-code-extensions-of-choice-for-a-supercharged-code-editor-56c0c6b58dab
Wrote an article about deploying Golang application to the cloud ☁️ https://codeburst.io/lets-deploy-a-golang-service-to-the-cloud-3ef47dfe2897
Wrote my first tech article ✍️ https://hpmahesh.medium.com/creating-a-simple-tiny-url-generator-using-golang-postgresql-and-redis-df8a29f2deab
React India Conference - 2019 Attended my first tech conference and won the Quiz! https://twitter.com/react_india/status/1177852966407008256