
Became an author at Freecodecamp 🎉 I can now publish articles on https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/
https://mahmoudabdelwahab.com/blog/6-months-as-a-developer-advocate Published an article on my personal blog where I share the things I learned during my first 6 months working as a Developer Advocate
Gave a talk at Connect Dev Africa Meetup 🎙 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To7euE2b-zI&t=276s
Spoke at Connect Dev Africa Meetup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To7euE2b-zI&t=276s
Became an AWS Community Builder 🏗 https://twitter.com/thisismahmoud_/status/1393548084022583296?s=20
Wrote an article on how to set up a free PostgreSQL database on Supabase to use with Prisma 🚀https://dev.to/prisma/set-up-a-free-postgresql-database-on-supabase-to-use-with-prisma-3pk6
A new upcoming course where I teach how to build a fullstack app is in the works!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRA4UNNvK4s&feature=youtu.be
Published an article on how I failed the100 days of code challenge https://mahmoudabdelwahab.com/blog/failing-100-days-of-code
Published an article that helps developers adopt Prisma at work! https://dev.to/prisma/a-letter-you-can-send-to-your-manager-to-adopt-prisma-at-work-4k94
Published an article on React Server Components ⚛️ https://www.prisma.io/blog/database-access-in-react-server-components-r2xgk9aztgdf
Created a video announcing early access for Prisma's Oline Data Browser 🚀 https://youtu.be/VRzuTofSooo?t=1
Created "What's Prisma?" video 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDGwLB55bI
Won AWS Amplify's Hackathon 🎉 Ranked 8th among 80 submissions. Built SpeakerFeedback, an app where speakers can collect anonymous feedback for their events. For more details, check out the blog pos...
Full Stack Serverless with Prisma & Next.js Learn how to build a serverless contact management app with Next.js, Prisma, Typescript, Tailwind, and NextAuth.js. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UZBh...
Securing React Apps Using Auth0 An introduction to the different authentication strategies and showing how to add authentication to a React app using Auth0 https://egghead.io/lessons/egghead-authen...
Gave my first ever conference talk 🎉@Byteconf React Beginner Pitfalls: My Personal Journey A talk on the mistakes I made when learning how to code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wK9AlZwdg&list=P...
Why Gatsby Is Awesome A talk on what is Gatsby and how it creates incredibly fast websites Spoke at EgyptJS April 2020 Meetup - Live Event! (attend from home) 🏡 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWtM...
Gave my first ever talk! A lightning-talk about patterns used by apps that hook and engage us https://www.meetup.com/EgyptJS/events/260794616/