Maksim Ilich
  • @maksim_ilich
Hello everyone, my name is Maxim!

I am originally from and live in Russia. I am a student at the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University. At the same time I am studying Chinese language and Chinese law. My main occupation in addition to studies is building a small business of my own in the production and distribution of automobile accessories. I used to love travelling, especially to EU countries. In my spare time I regularly visit secret bars. 

I have been interested in computers and everything related to them since childhood. Lately, my hobby is studying open source software, such as vim, latex. Also I am learning to create simple wordpress websites, retouch photos and draw vector images to sell my car accessories. I also want to learn an applied programming language like Python or JS in the near future, as I really want to get into IT and find a job related to it.
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