Manoj Krishnan
  • @manojk
Hi, I'm Manoj. I'm into web development and can often be found tinkering around with code in the browser or engaging with my colleagues on how to build (or how not to build :D) something for the web. Aside from this, you can find me obsessing over data in spreadsheets or analytics tools, and trying hard to look cool by doing things that can very easily and reasonably be done with a few mouse-clicks, with an intimidating command in my terminal app instead. Outside work, I typically tend to get lost in the rich worlds created by games like Assassins Creed or Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. To the absolute displeasure of my wife, I love sci-fi movies and TV shows more than any other type of entertainment. I've managed to work well with quite a few people without them going mad, so I guess I'm safe to collaborate with. If at all you find me difficult to work or interact with, I'd love to know about it so that I can try and improve myself.
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