
MC-ed at Virtual Azure Community Day (NL)
Wrote a blog post what I have done at Ably for the last year
Spoke at CloudBrew (BE)
Spoke at NDC Oslo
Created a proof of concept for the Ably CLI
Recorded a video about visualizing serverless workflow progress
Wrote a blog post about visualizing serverless workflow progress using pub/sub
Created a demo
Spoke at dotnetdays Romania conference
Recorded a video about comparing two cloud pubsub services: Azure Web PubSub and Ably.
Gave an online hands-on webinar for the European SharePoint, Office365 and Azure Conference about building serverless applications on Azure. Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/marcduiker/start-buildin...
Wrote a blog post to compare two cloud pubsub services: Azure Web PubSub & Ably
Recorded a video about my latest demo and blog post: Quest for serverless WebSockets, an adventure with Azure Functions & Durable Entities.
Wrote a post on DEV about how to combine serverless websockets with .NET based Azure Functions and a VueJS front-end to get realtime updates: Quest for serverless WebSockets, an adventure with Azur...
Wrote a blog post on how to retrieve DEV article analytics via the REST API.
Gave a talk at DeveloperWeek Europe 2022: Help! I've created a serverless monolith.
Wrote a blog post to announce the Ably VS Code extension.
Spoke at Azure CosmosDB Conference 2022 about Building a Fully Featured Scalable Chat Application. Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/marcduiker/building-a-fully-featured-scalable-chat-app-azure-cosmo...
Created an open source project to demonstrate how collaborative creative coding sketches can be made with p5js and Ably. This can be used to create interactive art installations across several loca...
Wrote a blogpost about the pub/sub pattern and how to apply it in a .NET 6 console app using Ably as the real-time messaging component.
Did a fun creative coding project this week based on the ASCII Video sketch by Daniel Shiffman / The Coding Train. I made a scalable version of the sketch where you can change the ASCII resolution ...
Interviewed by Shreya Gupta on Demystifying Serverless.
Created a video to announce the Ably Control API GitHub Action.
Presented Orchestrating Long-running Workflows with Durable Functions at Microsoft Reactor NYC.
Wrote a blog post: Announcing the Ably Control API GitHub Action
Made of proof of concept of a dinosaur themed retro game called Remorseful Oviraptor. Play it in the browser: https://marcduiker.itch.io/remorseful-oviraptor
Recorded a video about Agile Flush, an online collaborative tool to do planning poker.
Participated in a panel discussion at ServerlessDays Student Edition where we talked about our experiences with mentoring the students for the serverless bootcamp organized bu BitProject.
Started as a mentor for BitProject to help them with their serverless bootcamp that involves building projects with Azure Functions.
Spoke at the DDOG (Dutch DevOps and GitHub) Community meetup about creating the Azure Functions Updates Twitterbot.
Gave a session at Azure Skane (Swedish usergroup) about Creating the Azure Functions Updates Twitterbot.
Created a TikTok about the Zappy (the unofficial Azure Functions mascot) in VSCode Pets.
Created a TikTok about the new snake in VSCode Pets.
Created a TikTok about Ferris the crab in VSCode Pets.
Created a TikTok about Clippy in VSCode Pets.
Started a new side project for people who want to learn creating pixel art: Weekly Pixel Art Challenge. Follow the LearnPixelArt Twitter account to stay up to date! I'm doing this project with Luis...
Gave a presentation at the Dutch Cloud Meetup: How to deal with complex workflows in Azure Functions. Slidedeck: https://speakerdeck.com/marcduiker/dutch-cloud-meetup-dealing-with-complex-workflows...
Gave a presentation at the AzureLive conference: Creating a PagerDuty Clone using Azure Functions. Slidedeck: https://speakerdeck.com/marcduiker/azurelive-creating-a-pagerduty-clone Later that day ...