Mafe Borsatto
  • @mariafernanda_bo
  • Rio/Berlin
  • she/her
In the old work world, people would call me a generalist, but I think that's just too simple. I feel happy creating content and building engaging storytelling. But at the same time, I have this clinical eye for analysis and strategy. I love helping others rather than just focus on my own needs. I like to think myself as a visionary, but put all my energy in getting things done. 
I like cooking, but not enough to make a business out of it. I like playing games, but don't play video/computer games that often. I like to stay up to date on pop culture. I like to know a bit of everything, but am not actively looking for ways to get educated. 
I'm a leo, have scorpio as rising and pisces moon. I can be tough, but I'm really more a cry baby. What do you want to know about me? DM! 

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Feb 2023 - Present

Creative Strategist & Marketing Manager, Self-employed