Developed a React App
Studied React
Wrote TypeScript
Learned Styled Components In React
Used React Hooks
used TypeScript
During the React Bootcamp second half, we've developed a web application with data persistence in LocalForage. The Markee App consists of a markdown editor with a preview board.

Besides React.Js, were also part of the experience best practices and project organisation well accepted by the community.

Main technologies used on development:
Styled Components

Markee App features:
New file creation;
Title and content editing;
Title and content rendering conditional the active file;
Select active file to be shown ;
Error and sucess messages displayed for the user;
Status automatic update between 'editing, saving, saved', also displayed to the user, with symbols;
File's deletion once X button is clicked;
Hover effects on buttons and links.

Netlify link to the App: