Marina Diniz
  • @marinadiniz
  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • She/Her

I'm a Brazilian Product Designer with 7+ years of experience in the tech industry, having worked in several different companies - both startups and big corporations - in areas that vary from healthcare to fintech. My work experience comes from B2B and B2C companies, being the first my preferred type of business.

I'm always looking for opportunities to grow and positively impact the people around me while exploring my areas of interest: Information Architecture, DesignOps, and Service Design. 2023 was the beginning of my studies regarding leadership, which I believe everyone should embrace at a certain time in their career to better understand not only the people but the business of one's position.

My expertise is the analysis and development of complex systems, and my professional practice, no matter where I am, is based on the end-to-end process of software development from the perspective of design and usability implications for the end user.

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