UX Blog

New blog post
Footer design – Foundation of a website
Mega menus – A comprehensive guide + real life example!
3 powerful tips to avoid entropy in UX design
Working as a startup designer
Get crazy and creative! πŸ€ͺ
The UX of Christmas πŸŽ„
whitewords.io blog
Whitewords Blog
New blog post Managing time is so important to stay productive. I put together my personal time management hacks in a new blog post on whitewords. https://whitewords.io/blog/time-management-hacks/
How to design for dark mode? Designing for dark mode needs some practice. That's why I wrote a blog post about how to start when designing for dark mode. Read the blog: https://whitewords.io/blog/h...
Agile frameworks and UX – an Introduction Agile frameworks provide structure to everyday work & processes. However, they should not be seen as a strict set of rules. Learn about agile UX in my new ...
Allrounders vs. specialized in the Design Industry? Find out what's for you! https://whitewords.io/blog/ux-roles-allrounder-vs-specialist/
4 steps how to get your next remote UX job Working remote is quite common these days, even in UX and UI Design. Unfortunately, it’s still not standard in lots of companies and maybe that’s why you ...
Remote work: a life-changing calculation Time isn’t just money. πŸ’΅ Time is primarily time ⏳ – valuable time that never comes back and in which we so often do useless things, such as commuting. I cal...
Blog post Some thoughts about note taking and journaling for work and life. 😊 https://whitewords.io/blog/notes-and-journal/
Talking about Typography Hey folks, my new blog is up on my site. Happy reading for this weekend for all of you! Was so fun to go through the details of typography. 🀩 https://whitewords.io/blog/typ...
UX Reading List I published my UX reading list on my blog and am happy to share my insights with you. https://whitewords.io/blog/ux-books/
Laws of Gestalt I like to think about abstract concepts and using them in day-to-day work practically. If you do so, too, read my summary of 5 brilliant laws of gestalt on my blog. πŸ‘‡ https://whitew...
Shared some thoughts about coding skills in UX design on my blog today. Happy reading -> https://whitewords.io/blog/coding-ux-ui-design/
Networking as a remote designer I wrote and published a blog post about how I do networking remotely. https://whitewords.io/blog/networking-remote-designer/