Marion Vangaeveren
  • @marionvgv
Hi ! I’m Marion, a cheese-loving challenge-seeking French citizen. After working in luxury packaging in China for 3 years, I moved to Vietnam with my American husband 5 years ago. We started a restaurant here, and I enjoyed the process of starting a business so much that I started my own : I founded YesOuiPages, a paper planners online-shop 3 years ago. 
Now, our time in Asia is coming to an end (Pande-what ?!) and I’ll be relocating to my home country, France, by the end of the year. With this in mind, I looked for a new career path that would be an outlet for my thirst to learn and create things : that’s when I found web development. 

I’ve recently completed a 6-month intensive coding course and I’m now ready to jump into my next career : front-end web developper.  
I’ve worked with the following so far : PostgreSQL, NodeJS, Express, HTML, CSS, SASS, Javascript Vanilla, React, LeafletJS & Sequelize. You can find me on GitHub. 

From my previous professional experience, I’ve developed skills in InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom. I also have experience in project management & marketing and I am fluent English. 

Now that the resume part is behind us, as a human being, I like crochet, home renovation shows, drinks with friends, 3-hour long family lunches  and chocolate. My husband and friends would probably tell you I’m reliable and that my superpower is that I can find solutions to any problem. They’d also tell you I’m fun to be around (hopefully !) !

If I’m being honest, I’m not exactly sure how interactions work on Polywork, but I’m sure there’ll be a way. So talk to you some time ! 
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