Mark Rachapoom
  • @markrachapoom
  • iOS Developer & Creator of Diary Dingo
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • he/him
I am Mark, a self-taught iOS developer and the creator of Diary Dingo who started teaching myself how to code from scratch a while before entering college when I didn't even know how to print "Hello, World".

In short, I have been building apps with UIKit&SwiftUI as frameworks that are integrated by various Swift and third-party like Core Data, Firebase, Cocoapods, WidgetKit, PhotosUI, LocalAuthentication, UserNotifications, iCloud, Social, SnapKit, Cocoapods, MapKit, Swift Foundation. and many more with a solid understanding of Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM) architectural pattern while MVC is a plus.

I dreamt, I learnt, I designed, I built and I am truly passionate about iOS development and I am on my way to make this world the most wonderful place by making dream a reality, in this case, building an app and a well-crafted project.

Developer for Apple platforms with SwiftUI, UIKit, and Xcode

Creator of Diary Dingo, an iOS app that hit TOP3 worldwide in less than 24 hours after the launch on the Apple App Store.

Diary Dingo is now available to download on the Apple App Store
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