To all content creators...

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I have a very interesting proposal for all of you 🙂I was wondering what is your next topic research and how do you research them?I have an AI powered newsletter that for now is serving mass personalized content, but I think that with few tweaks the AI Newsletter can be very well adapted to content creators and especially those that do text/video based research prior to creating new content. We mix and mash ideas from around us and given that there are evergreen or recent topics the research might be a bit different I guess, but I would love to help you with your next research for a video/article (or whatever is your content form) and see how the AI newsletter can be helpful to automate, mainstream or at least be very useful resource for you and other creators in the future. What do you think about it? Feel free to drop me a DM if you want or let's jump on a call whenever you have time - here is my availability