Tested a business idea
Tinkered with an idea
This weekend we ran our first testing business ideas hackathon (🤖 Tink-A-Thon). Where in a few days come up with an idea for a new product or service and test it. Focusing on how to validate the idea not how to build it. The process looks something like this:
Day 1: Pitch ideas and pick the most interesting one
Day 2: Define and describe the product/service
Day 3: Build and launch the test
For this hackathon we settled on a testing idea called 🎉celebrate.it. A web app solution that lets you easily celebrate important milestones with others.

We tested two different versions of this:

Reading comunity: 🎉celebrate.it - Share your reading achievements

Products people: 🎉celebrate.it - Share milestones with your team
Validation method
⬇️ Social media promotion (Discord/LinkedIn)
⬇️ Landing Page
🎯 Email Signup
☕ Bonus: Bought us a coffee

  • Softr (landing page)
  • Gmail (email, duh)
  • Google Sheet (capture signups)
  • Zapier (automate signup capture)
  • Figma (illustrations)
  • Notion (collaboration)
  • Miro (lightning demos)
  • Whiteboards & markers (ofc.)