Shipped a product
Hey Polyworkers, 

After +6 months of building a Web3 team as a recruiter for a crypto-gaming company, hiring non-tech talent was the hardest. I decided to build my own solution:, the only job board for non-tech roles in Web3.

I handpick non-tech roles in Web3 every day, and even though the market is not at its best, lots of Web3 companies are still actively hiring (raised funds and have enough to keep going!).

I shipped my first version using no-code tools as part of the Women Make challenge: 30 days to build and launch! I loved the format and met talented women makers along the way 🙋‍♀️

My priority for the following months is to increase traffic and monetize. So far, I worked on getting more backlinks, promoting actively on Twitter, a bit on LinkedIn, and launching a newsletter. I haven’t been promoting on Reddit or PH just yet.

I’d love to read your feedback and advice! 😊