Wrote a New API
Wrote unit tests
Reading 'Thinking, Fast and Slow'
I'm often asked by potential career changers, engineering candidates, and mentees what my daily schedule looks like. To help answer this question I plan on sharing a brief update each day to touch on what I'm tackling at a high level.

Today I'm fueled by an extra dose of coffee as our four-year-old daughter is running around the house which makes concentration a bit challenging at times. ðŸĪŠ

I'll be spending most of my day wrapping up work on several endpoints written in Node.JS with TypeScript using the Hapi framework. I'll be completing some manual QA of these new endpoints, writing unit tests, fine-tuning a couple of related schemas, and finally writing up a detailed PR description to make PR review more efficient for whoever QAs my changes!

Along with the above, I'll be hopping into some PR reviews to help teammates move their work forward. I plan on wrapping the day up by putting together a tentative plan for what I will cover with my mentee in an upcoming mentorship session.

I try to wind down after our daughter goes to sleep with some reading. I'm currently working my way through "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman and highly recommend it!